Indian travel and tours

India covers the largest part of the Indian subcontinent. In the north the Himalaya forms a natural border and in the south continues to enclose the Indian ocean the state. Neighbour states of India are Pakistan, China (Tibet), Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan and Bangladesh. The many people state with almost 1,2 billion Inhabitants is the largest democracy on earth. The different cultures and traditions of numerous peoples and religion affected each other over thousands of years mutually, but although retains its self-sufficiency.

Discover the multicoloredness India on your dream journey. The enormous variety of India offers something for almost any taste: Fantastic beaches, impressive landscapes, smelling bazaars, bold Trekking - routes, restless towns with millions of inhabitants, much history and culture and Wellness - enjoy you an unforgettable dream vacation in India. In India is hardly somewhat like that, as one expects it. It constantly meets you the unexpected, which appears constantly and everywhere in bizarre forms.

India is as well known a safe tourist country. The trip with a borrowing car in the left-hand traffic and Indian traffic on Indian roads is actually only which for professionals. For shorter distances it into one of the everywhere visible autorikshas to probably enter, for their use European according to experience and entitled another tariff pay;) The price level in the developing country is clearly under. The currency is the Indian Rupie (R-S). Notes to 500 or 1,000 Rupien are hardly accepted. 1 EURO are approximately 60 Rupien . Here you find a current Umrechner. In middle class a restaurant for a meal approximately 100 Rupien are required (conditions 2007). We recommend to right after change for the arrival at the airport a larger sum cash and a receipt to be issued be able, because an import of Rupien is not permitted. In large cities credit cards are accepted usually, thus receive you possibly also cash advances in Rupien. With a EC-map (Bankomatkarte, Maestro) do not get in India nearly anywhere cash. In the many people state with several religions there are accordingly many habits and habits.

The left hand is not valid in India as impure, from there under any circumstances also left on other persons shows or meals on passes. The traditional Indian greeting: Palms before the chest together-put to bend, the head forward and say „Namaste “. That is called „good day “, fits however always, also at night. The head is in India the seat of the soul, therefore one should stroke never Indian children over the hair or affect adults above the neck. With the table customs you should back-screw your expectations in India, it are considered as completely normal after the meal to out-spit or the throat area to well visibly clean themselves. Photographing of airports, stations and military plants is not permitted. Also in many temples or archaeological places the camera may not be gezückt, sometimes gives it a permission - however only against cash. Take the shoes off, if you enter temples or private houses. Dealers are used to it, if at the price one haggles correctly.
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