Short Vacation Destinations In India - Delhi, Agra And Jaipur

“We arrived in India for the shooting of a documentary and once the shoot was over the crew decided to take a short break. As we all were divided over the choice of place, ultimately the group divided into three small ones and decided to proceed to three different destinations-Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, and what a short vacation that was!” wrote Amma to her friend in an email.

What Amma mentioned is actually what many tourists like her feel when they convert a business or a personal Tour to India in enjoying a short vacation in the country. This break not only helps them rejuvenate their tired soul, but also gives them an opportunity to understand the country.

Delhi being the capital of country has so much to offer. To many, it is like a country in itself-the city is spread so far and wide that it seems to encompass sea of humanity. With vehicles zooming in and out of different and almost all the roads at any point of the day, it is difficult for anyone to guess when Delhi sleeps. Yet beneath that never ending cloak is an invisible spirit that needs to be explored and for that one needs to spend a little more time roaming around the streets and visiting various nooks and corners that contains reminiscence of footsteps of royalties and kingdoms that have ruled, or have dreamt of ruling Delhi. Even the difference between Delhi built by Britishers, the old Delhi and the ever expanding Delhi needs to be experienced to be understood.

Similarly, the glory of  Taj Mahal  in Agra is always beckoning and is actually worth taking a short yet memorable vacation. It is difficult to comprehend the feeling that one gets standing in front of this love monument. The exquisite grandeur, the aura and the overwhelming and overarching feeling of love is always in the air even in the near vicinity of the structure. Even modernisation and accomplishments in the field of architect can’t diminish the stateliness of the structure and till the time these feelings remain,it is difficult to either circumvent, or diminish the importance of this short but very fulfilling vacation.

 Jaipur Tours on the other hand is a class in itself. To begin with, it is the colour of the city that mesmerise the tourists. Nick named as the ‘Pink City’ of the country, houses are mostly coated with pink colour adding a unique symmetrical ambience.To add to the beauty are the plethora of  Forts and Palaces and interesting monuments dotting the skyline of the city that spread from one corner to another.This short break normally is a wonderful Cultural and historical vacation in a place where hospitality is at its best.

To add to the grandeur are the numbers of heritage havelis that have been converted into homely hotels offering a glimpse into the life of erstwhile royalty. In fact to be served by staff dressed in old royal costumes and in the manner in which it was once done is an experience that can’t be replicated anywhere else in the world. After all such is the glory of India’s short but fruitful vacations!

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