Delhi Travel Guide New Delhi India Travel Guide

New Delhi India Travel Guide Travel Tour Delhi India

Below listed some rules and regulation to be followed by the people visiting India.

Passport and Visa

The citizens from all over the world should have a valid passport and an entry , transit or tourist visa received from the Indian Mission in their country. Visa is commonly valid for 120 days. Visa can also get extended by applying to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Lok Nayak Bhavan, and Khan Market. The letter should be handed over at the Foreigners Regional Registration Office. Those who want to visit neighboring country like Sri Lanka or Nepal should receive a double/multiple entry Visa.


All the foreigners coming to India are expected to register themselves with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) which is located in Hans Bhavan, Tilak Road, near the Income Tax Office (ITO).

Custom Clearance
Those passengers who are without any taxable goods or valued articles or foreign exchange more than US $2,500 or without luggage which need to be declared, can pass through Green Channel. Others passengers need to pass through the Red Channel. Goods upto Rs.750 (Rs. 6000 for persons of Indian origin) for personal use or as gifts are let off from duty. Beyond the free baggage limit, the duty rate is 52% plus 2% special duty.

Tourist Baggage Form
On arrival, a Tourist Baggage Re-export Form is to be shown with enrolled objects
to Customs for verification at the time of departure.

Bringing in currency
Any amount in the form of currency, traveler’s cheques and the like can be brought in and the same amount can be taken back. In case the if the sum exceeds US $10,000 in the form of currency notes, travelers cheques or bank notes / or currency notes alone of more than US $2,500, they have to be announced on arrival on the Currency Declaration Form (CDF), duly testified by the Custom Officer.

Indian currency
No passengers is allowed to took the Indian currency in or out while placing away the money to India the full address of the bank should be given.
Money changing
The unit of Indian money is Rupee. All the passengers should change their currency with Indian currency from an authorized money changers. One should always insist for receipt
for reconverting the money.

Antiquities, art objects
limitations exist on art objects more than 100 years old. Any doubts should be got cleared from Director Antiquities, Archaeological survey of India. Export of wildlife items is forbidden and in some cases determined.

Foreign Travel Tax
At the time of departure Rs 500 is payable by citizens and only Rs 150 for the citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Arriving and Departures in Airport
There are different means of transport are available at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi.. These include taxis, autorickshaws, buses most of which are run by private operators.

Credit Card
The credit card of Citibank, American, Diners Club and Master Charge Visa are usually consented by hotels, shops, and airlines.
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